
A passion to serve.

Our people make our mission possible. And they make your impact become more efficient & effective.

Why Choose 86

Dozens of organizations across the globe have seen the impact of our creative process.

Our Mission

To connect our clients to their audiences, so their impact on the world can expand.

what to expect

We design, develop, and execute compelling messaging strategies, iconic brand identities, and cohesive marketing materials to further expand your impact on the world.
Carmen Snowball
Executive Assistant
Carmen is Jacob's assistant and serves 86 clients with appointment scheduling, invoice questions and other administrative support. She and her husband Bob live in Fort Wayne, IN with their 6 children.
Natasha Davis
Account Executive
Natasha has a knack for interpersonal and strategic communication, and loves to dig deep to discover the why in each and every brand story. She got her start at Leo Burnett in Chicago, where she served as team leader and client liaison. There, she was an expert at solving business problems with creative solutions, and doing so in seamless ways for both her clients and team. Natasha lives in Orange County with her husband, Dane.
Briana Johnson
Executive Consultant
Briana brings extensive experience in business growth and strategy, marketing, sales, event planning, leadership, and client success. She most recently led the planning and execution of the SEEK conference for more than 17,000 people for FOCUS. Briana lives in Littleton, CO with her husband Nathan and three children, Benjamin, Zoe, and Emma.
Jacob Laskowski
Founder / Creative Director
Jacob founded 86 in 2013. His award-winning career began with the re-branding of FOCUS, which led him to become Director of Marketing for a multi-billion dollar oil company. Jacob has served as adjunct professor of visual communications at Ivy Tech College, and as a founding board member of both Exodus 90 and A Mother's Hope. He lives in Fort Wayne, IN with his nine-year-old daughter, Gianna.
Established missions trust 86
UCLA logo
Auburn University logo
OSV logo
Obria logo
Exodus logo
FOCUS logo
Seton Ed Partners logo
Spoke Street logo
Mother Cabrini Shrine logo
SENT logo
Seton Shrine logo
Scala logo
USCCB logo
The best non-profit brands find success in sharing their stories with clear, simple and professionally visual ways. This is what we do.
Jacob Laskowski
Founder / Creative Director